Life at Sea
©1964, 2013 Dean Metcalf
A sailor in a bar
said this to me:
"There is no
like the life at sea
when the stars are
close and bright and
your own;
the night sky is a
cool dark lake
and flying fish
flutter and leap
from the bow's white
and pearly
He talked awhile of
in the South Pacific,
with all the Western
awash in rose and
he spoke of
wild-eyed, salt-rimed men
and of the sights and
sounds and smells
of Eastern ports
and people with
half-closed, slanted eyes
and yellow skin.
"But what,"
I asked,
"of months away
from home,
of wet fog and rain
squalls and times
when the ocean
and the ship
and all the world
are in sickening,
neverending motion?"
He smiled a slight,
sad, half-smile and said,
"I see you've
been to sea yourself,"
and I said yes,
I had.
Feb 29 1964 USS MONTROSE